The United States has a rich history of politicians and public officials using the rule of law to avoid and deny any equality in immigrants. This limitation of opportunities to Latinos and African Americans has a long history and...
Strong. Powerful. Overrated. Necessary. Equality. Confusing. Future. Truth. Unpleasant. Empowerment. Brilliant. Reasonable. Change. Rights. Judging. Cool.
Feminism - One term, many emotions, many associations, too much confusion. I won’t try to give you a definition of this term, because...
For a long time, I thought FOMO was nothing but a hyped word among teens. I thought it was just a rather silly, over-used acronym - Fear Of Missing Out? Not me… One Saturday night, I realized that I was...
Before I start off
I’d like to warn the reader that I may reveal certain plot-lines and give away accidental spoilers but I will try to contain the geeky over-explaining-me on a leash as I want to just light up...
Facebook's data breach has been the centre of attention for the last few days now. #deletefacebook has been all over Twitter over the past week and continues to dominate talking points all over the world. It was also caught...
This is something I am committing and putting my soul into, and this article will guide you and provide step by step instructions on how you can start selling drugs online. This...
When we think of factors that harm the planet, cars, oil spills, power plants, and maybe even CO2 emissions from cows come to our mind. It seems obvious that these aspects speed up the process of global warming. But...
Last weekend, it was reported that Uber's self driving vehicle had struck and killed someone. Police in Arizona confirmed that a woman identified as Elaine Herzberg was crossing a street with her bicycle when a self-driving Uber car had...
The other day on the tram, it was rather empty, there wasn’t much noise except for the voices of a complaining couple. They were in their fifties, the age of my parents. I couldn’t help but listen when I...