Tuesday, April 23, 2024
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Tag: accidental factory

But Be Aware, This Is Not Another 5-Step Beach Body Guide The Moroccan sun was hitting the small surfer town Taghazout hard this afternoon. ‘You lookin’ really fit’, a blond English girl tells me, while we were sipping our wine...
Strong. Powerful. Overrated. Necessary. Equality. Confusing. Future. Truth. Unpleasant. Empowerment. Brilliant. Reasonable. Change. Rights. Judging. Cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apfuqpFQPmg Misunderstood. Feminism - One term, many emotions, many associations, too much confusion. I won’t try to give you a definition of this term, because...
For a long time, I thought FOMO was nothing but a hyped word among teens. I thought it was just a rather silly, over-used acronym - Fear Of Missing Out? Not me… One Saturday night, I realized that I was...
When we think of factors that harm the planet, cars, oil spills, power plants, and maybe even CO2 emissions from cows come to our mind. It seems obvious that these aspects speed up the process of global warming. But...
The other day on the tram, it was rather empty, there wasn’t much noise except for the voices of a complaining couple. They were in their fifties, the age of my parents. I couldn’t help but listen when I...
How to fight Consumerism

How to fight Consumerism?

I personally like how people pretend that they understand everything that is going on in the world. Almost every person I spoke to regarding global topics that influence our society, EVERY person always gives an answer. Quality of the...

Why Is Spotify Losing Money?

Something that never seems to stop evolving is music and the way we hear it. Look one hundred years back and you'll see that a lot has changed. Depending on who you ask, some people feel that it's changed...
Fundamental on almost every constitution of sovereign countries, is the bill of rights. Human rights organizations are all over trying to fight for rights which as supposed in our society should be the bottom line of everything. Human rights...
Remember last year when the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) decided it was a good idea to let members of the public suggest names for their new polar research ship? Maybe the name Boaty McBoatface will refresh your memory....